Bouquets in hats from Flower Lab


Our bouquets of finest fresh flowers were born to touch your feelings and open a perfect way to show an affection and good relation to someone you love, prize and hold dear. We are trying hard to compose each flower bunch like a small piece of art so our bouquets are filled with deep inspiration, creative energy and careless grace.

Exquisite bouquets in hatboxes are so wonderful and unique that they sometimes compete among themselves for supremacy and opportunity to present the absolute grandeur of perfect flower combinations. Such bunch of flowers is able to save you in a critical situation by sending the most accurate of Cupid's arrows right into the heart of a glamour girl, who is so beautiful, charming and attractive that you simply lose your mind and have no rest in the sky of dreams when you fall in love with her.


The art of creating stylish bouquets is always inspired by the great passion and can't exist beyond the bounds of feelings and emotions. Indeed, this universal language is clear to any person and fortunately we can use the power of its oratory not least because of infinite imagination and fine craftsmanship of high-class florists.

Here in Flower Lab studio we work tirelessly to understand the mystery of flowers and the secrets of sense perception so we can say with confidence that our bouquets aren’t simply produced but artfully handcrafted in a creative rush to present the touching combination of the most beautiful natural phenomenon and the purest feelings living in our hearts.


With a great pleasure we present a wide range of deluxe bouquets befitting all happy and joyful occasions happening in your life. Our catalogue is represented by various bunches grouped in own brand series so we have almost any bouquet you may need: traditional and classical, elegant and romantic, solemn and wedding, amazing and magnificent, exotic and extravagant, teenage and children's, business and imposing, stylish interior bunches and a lot of others.

All flowers that we use have superior quality grade and undergo strict selection, therefore we guarantee high quality, baronial splendor and freshness of our bouquets.


We sincerely hope you will be lucky and finally find the very bouquet of flowers that is capable of expressing your tender feelings and showing your good attitude. We emphasize the fact that a lot of our bouquets are composed with deep meaning and they suggest to send your message in silent but colorful and amazing poetic form. Sometimes language of flowers is the only choice when you need to say much more than words, because at the deepest emotional levels this language affects secret places in our souls. It makes poetry of flowers supremely eloquent, sincerely romantic and absolutely magic.


No doubt flowers often become a pleasant part of the most memorable events in our lives and they also make possible to say very important things without a word, but there are a lot of people who don't consider flower meanings and hence hardly understand language of flowers. If you are keen to learn this secret language first of all you should know that each flower has its own meaning and that certain flowers befit specific occasions. The next important aspect is more complicated: you may often face the situation that the same flowers have various meanings in different countries. Therefore if you don't want to be trapped local flower interpretations need to be considered before choosing or arranging flowers.

perhaps only red roses of various shades have universal meaning and symbolize passionate love in all countries. So when you fall in love a bunch of red roses becomes the optimum and safe choice if you don't know exactly what flowers may excite your sweetheart and tell her about your burning love. We do believe and rather sure it should work smoothly even if she is cold as ice, has a dozen of children and three cats or arrived from other planet a day before.

Flower Lab — when feelings can embrace!